RaDev One Shot Stories.

Coffee shop
Radhika stepped out of the main building of her office with a frown in her face. The day had been particularly bad for her. First her sheets got deleted from the PC due to a virus attack and then her Boss scolded her for being irresponsible. And now it was raining so hard that it was impossible to get an auto or taxi back home. This was frustrating to the core!
Sighing, she let her feet move towards her favorite spot on such pathetic days or rather on any day – the sleek coffee shop opposite her Office Building.  She had to catch her umbrella tight so that it doesn’t fly away in the strong breeze, leaving her to get wet in this climate. Somehow she managed to cross the road clutching all her belongings tight, entered the tranquil coffee shop, placed her umbrella on the bucket near the door and quickly sat on her favorite seat beside the window lest anyone else occupied it. Thankfully her seat was still left empty, although the entire café was filled with couples looking in to each other’s eyes with oodles of love – ofcourse the rain and steaming hot coffee was a perfect setting for a romantic evening.
“Irresponsible?” Radhika muttered angrily, running a hand through her open silky hairs to brush off the water drops from the tips. She was being labeled as irresponsible after working so hard for this company? Such thankless people! But what can she do???
Suddenly her stomach grumbled again reminding her how hungry she was! One more thing to add up her frustration – she hated being hungry. Turning her head, she quickly called a waiter and ordered for her favorite combination of coffee and hot toast sandwiches. As the waiter nodded and went away, she turned her gaze outside to the beautiful greenery mixed with droplets of rain; this seemed to be act as an ointment for her wounded heart.
She had completely lost track of time, being lost in the scenery outside……until a sudden thudding sound somewhere very close by brought her back. Shuddering slightly, she jerked her head only to find a man sitting opposite her and flashed a smile at her when she looked at him.
“Hi” he said, grinning.
Radhika blinked silently – his smile had something in it. But she quickly brushed away that thought and let the more reasonable thought circle her brain. Who was he?

“Hi” the man said when she didn’t respond.
She frowned. “Do I know you?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. Probably you don’t”
“Then why are you sitting here?” she asked.
His smile vanished. “Well this is a coffee shop and I can sit anywhere I wish to”
“Why here then?” she asked tersely. Already her insides were boiling because of the incidents in office and on top of it, this man was irritating her. Why can’t she have some lone peaceful moments?
“Because the Café is full, barring this seat”
She looked around and found the entire café to be teeming with people, entirely full. “Oh”
“I hope you are fine with me sitting here” he said.
No, she was not fine! But she couldn’t be so indecent and thus gave a tight nod. “Yes”
This made him grin again. “Hi. I am Dev”
Why did his grin have such a stupid effect on her…….that she felt butterflies flying in her stomach? Probably it’s her stomach’s signal of being hungry and nothing more. Blinking once blankly, she turned her face away without introducing herself to this extra-friendly stranger.
When she didn’t respond, he just shrugged and looked outside at the scenery.
“Lovely Climate isn’t it?” he said, disrupting her peace again.
She heard him, but didn’t bother to look at him assuming he would understand that she was least interested in striking a conversation with some stranger.
“Seems you’re not interested in talking?” he said.
This made her sigh, feeling annoyed. Why can’t he just buzz off!
“No I am not” she replied, turning to look at him briefly and then turned her attention back to the scenery, with her chin on palm.
“Why not? I mean doesn’t it get boring to sit all alone without having a company to talk? We both are alone…..so why can’t we talk to kill the boredom……just a matter of few minutes” he said.
She sighed sharply and looked at him. “Look whoever you are……I don’t talk to strangers”
He grinned again – the same grin that made butterflies rumble in her stomach.
“Oh that’s the reason? If we don’t talk, we can’t get to know each other……and would remain strangers always. Better to start talking…….” He said. “So where do you stay? Nearby?”
Her brows arched noticing the pace at which he wanted to befriend her. Why was he so interested in talking to her? Lewd man!
Controlling her anger, she looked away towards the rain again not wanting to lash out at him.
“What happened? Did I say something wrong?” he asked quickly.
She turned her face to him. “See I am not interested in talking to you. Did you get it? You wanted a seat. You got it……then have your food and leave!”
“Excuse me? Why are you getting angry? Beautiful girls don’t look good when they are angry” he smiled.
This made her scowl – ofcourse he was hitting on her. What does he think, just because he is totally handsome with attractive eyes and such a charming smile, he can win over her? How stupid of him to think like that, she wondered.
“Remain in your limits” she showed an index finger.
“When did I cross them?” he chuckled.
Exhaling once to check her anger, she showed her palm “Look…..”
“See I can’t sit quiet like this……….I hate doing that”

She shrugged. “That’s your problem. Deal with it!” she kept her voice terse but the volume was low.
He showed up his palms, gesturing her to be calm. “Okay……fine……”
Just then the waiter arrived with her order. She took a breath of relief; atleast her hunger will be quenched and then she can leave this Café and this Man!
However, all her plans went for a toss the moment the waiter kept the plate of sandwiches on the table.
“Wow! Hot Sandwiches…….” Dev commented and quickly taking a piece from it began eating.
Radhika looked at him in total shock! This man was eating her sandwiches…….her sandwiches!! How cheap and rude of him!? Her stomach grumbled and twisted inside.
Dev noticed her expression and he gulped down the piece. “Oops. I am sorry. I…..I was really hungry actually……..so I just had it” he said, in an apologetic tone and glanced down at the plate briefly. “You can have the rest”
Radhika glanced down at the remaining piece of sandwich and then glowered at him. How dare he eat her sandwich? She was damn hungry and was only tolerating this lewd man for the sandwiches and he ate the half piece of it already!!!!! Arrgh.
“Ma’m can I get another sandwich for you?” the waiter asked quickly.
Dev too quickly agreed. “Yes. I can order another plate for you. You can have that”
 “No. I am fine” she said, still glowering. Deep inside she wanted to scream out – why was God hell bent on ruining every moment of this day!
“See its my mistake. I can order another plate……or if you say….2 plates of sandwiches for you” Dev suggested sweetly.
She sighed to control the volcano erupting inside her. “I said, its fine. I am not hungry anymore. You can have the rest” replying in a no-nonsense tone, she sipped her coffee – atleast her headache would be soothed. Plus, now that her sandwich was already attacked, there was no reason for her to tolerate this man! She didn’t have enough patience to wait for another sandwich and neither did she want to eat the sandwich touched by him. Better to have coffee and leave the place soon or else her head would burst out. 
Dev shrugged and looked at the waiter. “One Coffee, One plate of Onion pakoras and one toast sandwich” he ordered. 

Radhika looked up, glowering, when she heard him order a plate of toast sandwich – was he trying to ridicule her? First he had her sandwich, infact was eating the remaining piece of her sandwich shamelessly….and was ordering for another to put salt to her wounds???
After ordering, Dev looked at her. “By the way why are you so angry?” he asked, munching on the sandwich.
Shouldn’t she be? She wondered. He was eating her sandwich so mercilessly when her stomach was rumbling inside so loudly.
“Didn’t get over the scolding you got from your boss?” he asked assertively.
Her eyes went wide in astonishment – how did he know? Does he spy on her??
Seeing her wide eyes, he laughed. “What happened?”
“H…..how do you know that?” she asked, bewildered.
He shrugged casually. “I guessed. See there can be 2 reasons. Either your boyfriend dumped you or your boss scolded you. I chose the later one. Didn’t think you would be having a boyfriend”
His trailing words enraged her to the extreme limits. What did he mean by saying that she wouldn’t be having a boyfriend! Why can’t she have one?
“Excuse me……what…….” She had to stop when her phone started ringing and she glanced down at her purse.
“Someone seems to be remembering you. Probably your boss” he laughed.
She threw a sharp glance and quickly unzipped her purse. Rummaging through her girlie stuffs, she finally managed to pull out her phone and pressed it to her ear. “Yeah Mamma….I am coming home soon. Its raining I know but I shall manage. Bye” saying, she cut the phone and quickly put the phone inside. Some of her visiting cards that had come out of the purse when she’d pulled out her phone hastily, lay on the table; she quickly shoved them inside as well.
Enough of this man! She decided, letting the remaining coffee be, and was about to get up.
 “Do you own a Scooty or Car?” Dev asked
Radhika glanced at him. “How is that your business?”
“No. Since its raining hard, you won’t get any transportation. If you don’t own any vehicle, I can drop you”
Her brows arched in bafflement. How far is this guy going to go? “No. Its not needed. I can help myself” she muttered angrily and got up from her seat and then moved towards the cash counter.
“What does he think……..i would swoon around him just because he is good looking? Shut up Radhika! He is a lewd man only interested in flirting! Just stop!” she rebuked herself mentally while paying the money.
As the cashier bent down to pick some change, she turned around casually and her gaze fell on Dev who was still sitting and having her sandwich happily. The moment he met her gaze, he showed up a piece of sandwich as if offering her. She felt her insides bursting in to angry flames – was he intending to make fun of her because she couldn’t have those sandwiches??? Glowering at him, she turned her eyes, took the change and picking her umbrella left the café quickly.

Clutching her umbrella tight, she outstretched her hand to stop a cab. But it went right past her, splashing some water on her jeans. She muttered some curse and began looking for another cab, however every single cab was full. Sighing, she turned her head back towards the café and found Dev still seated and having his hot pakoras. Hadn’t it been for this man, she would have been eating sandwiches sitting in that comfortable seat and not getting frustrated in the middle of road! Just then Dev saw her and again showed a piece of Pakora with a smile. Her teeth gritted in chagrin and she turned to move away from this place.
She kept walking for some minutes but not a single cabbie stopped by. Moreover her stomach was rumbling badly now. How she wished she could have had that Sandwiches. Pushing her hairs back, she forced her tired and soaked up legs to move again……when suddenly a strong breeze hauled away the umbrella from her hand and the umbrella just flew away, disappearing from her sight.
How much more unfortunate can this day get for her!!! She was on the verge of crying now. Her feet were aching, stomach was growling in hunger and head was aching like anything……on top of it, now she was getting wet entirely in the middle of the road!!! Covering her face with both hands, she tried not to cry and gulped the lump forming in her throat. She had to do something. Crying here was not going to reach her anywhere. So she decided to catch a bus instead of waiting for cabbies and autos. But the bus stand was far away from this place so thought of taking the short-cut route to reach the bus stand quickly. She turned towards the narrow lane to her right and began ambling across it.
She had barely walked a few steps when she noticed a few ruffians, standing on the side aimlessly, checking her out. She gulped in fear and adjusted her tunic. Her entire body was wet and her tunic was clinging to her body, easily revealing her curves. Why the hell didn’t she carry a scarf or stole?? She hoped to quickly move ahead and get to the bus stand…….however misfortune seemed to be clinging badly to her today.
“Do you need help gorgeous?” one of the ruffian asked.
Radhika glanced at him briefly, clutching her Kanha pendant “No” and was about to move away.
But another ruffian stopped her way, whistling. “Why not? You’re alone. We shall drop you. Come with us” he gave a sneering smile.
Can this day get this worse for her?? She gulped in shock, wondering what to do. Running away was the only option that came to her mind.
Suddenly –
“Radhika!!” a not-so familiar voice called her from behind and she turned…….only to find Dev. Strangely, she felt relief gushing through every vein of her’s.
“What the hell is this Radhika? I agree we had a fight but that doesn’t mean you leave your husband like this and walk away in the middle of the road. Fine, I admit, I was wrong. Happy! Now lets go. Come” Dev spoke with a serious yet concerned face.
Radhika blinked in astonishment wondering what was he speaking and why? Nothing made sense.
Ruffians gave Dev a very skeptical look.
“What? She is my wife. Stay off!” Dev warned in a grim, cold tone.
She frowned. Wife? But atleast the ruffian did seem to get scared.
“Come Radhika…….you’re gonna catch cold like this!” saying, Dev held her wrist and took her along with him.
Her feet just moved behind him while her senses were still trying to make sense of what he said. Why did he call her, his wife? And…….how did he know her name??!
As soon as they stopped near his bike, she pulled away her hand from his grip. “What the hell is this??”
Dev glanced briefly at the goons who were still looking at them. “Look. If you don’t want to get trapped by those goons, better come with me!” he muttered.
“Why? Are you any different from them?” she asked tersely.
He scowled. “How ungrateful……I saved you from them…..and you think I am like them?” he asked.
“Radhika. Stop being amateurish! You can fight later. Get on the bike first…..and wait…..wear this” he said and quickly unbuttoned his winsheater.
“How do you know my name?”
“Because you’re my wife” mumbling, he put his sling strapped bag across her shoulder and then wrapped the winsheater around her. “Wear this quick”
“I don’t need it” She crossed her arms.
“Stop being arrogant and wear it……..or else get raped by them!”
His harsh words made her glower at him.
He sighed. “Look those goons are still there, keeping a watch on us…..and the condition you are in, doesn’t keep you safe”
She glanced down and realized how wet and clingy her tunic top was. Plus Dev was standing right in front of her. Automatically her fingers clutched the flaps of the winsheater and pulled it close.
“Good wear it quick and get on the bike” saying, he sat on the bike.
Wearing it reluctantly, she glanced back towards the narrow lane from the corner of her eyes only to find the goons still standing there. Probably Dev was right, they need to fleece away from this spot quick.
She turned her face to Dev and found him getting all wet in the rain. It pinched her to see him getting wet because she was using his protection.
“What? Adore me later…….get on the bike first” he said.
Nodding tight, she stepped up the bike and clutched the handle tight. Soon she was flying with the wind. She saw the rain drops dripping through his thick mane, then trickling through his shirt giving her an idea of how chiseled his body was. She shook her head, trying to shake off the thoughts that seemed to be creeping inside her……and thought about the rational question.
“How did you know my name?” she asked, as he paused near the signal.
“You’re my wife”
“Stop joking. Tell me seriously do you spy on me??” she asked, irritated.
He laughed. “I have much better work than to spy on you madame!”
“Oh is it? Then how did you get to know my name?”
“Your visiting cards that came flying out of your purse when you were in the café” he replied and started the bike again.
Her brows arched. “Oh”
“Oh yes! Imagine what would have been our plight hadn’t I noticed your name. Wont those goons think why this husband doesn’t know his wife’s name” he laughed aloud.
His carefree, bubbling laughter that mixed with the cool breeze enlivened the butterflies in her stomach again.
 “Where do you live?” he asked, glancing over his shoulder briefly.
“None of your business” she replied tersely, wondering why he was so nosy.
“It is my business. What do you think I will be giving you a free ride across the city for the entire night?” he asked.
She thinned her lips, feeling guilty. “Oh. You can drop me near the closest Cabbie stand. I will get down and catch a cab”
“There’s a Cabbie Stand on the left but its entirely deserted. Do you want me to drop you there?” he asked.
Her eyes quickly scanned. “Yes it should be fine”
“What fine? You’re gonna be stranded here the entire night because you wont get cabs until the rain subsides. Tell me, I will drop you”
Why was he so stubborn?? “Erm……”
“This bike shall stop only when I drop you in your address” he said in a firm voice.
She sighed in frustration and reluctantly gave him the address.
“Good. We will reach quickly. Don’t worry” he smiled, glancing behind briefly.
Adjusting her hood, she looked away when suddenly the bike went through a pothole and her hands automatically flew across to hold him.
As soon as she realized this, she quickly pulled her hand back. “I…..I am sorry”
He chuckled. “Its okay if you hold me tight. I won’t mind it”
She narrowed her eyes at this cheesy remark. “Stop being cheesy!”
“I am not. Seriously, look at the potholes ahead. You would need to hold me tight or else you would fall down” he warned.
“I am fine by myse.e……..” before she can complete the line, her bike jerked and her hands flew across to wrap around his chest. Her heart jumped inside in fear. She hated bike rides during rainy season especially on the pot-holed roads!!
He laughed again jubilantly. “I told you so. Now remain like this”
She didn’t have an option and held him with much reluctance – it was such an awkward situation to hold a complete stranger so close…..and what was weird that there were again the butterflies in her stomach. Grrr.
“So why did your boss scold you?” he asked.
“Nothing big”
“I know. Bosses are mental. They usually scold people for every simple thing” he chuckled.
This made her smile unknowingly. Yes, Bosses were Mental, Mad! The thought gave her immense relief.
“You look good smiling” he commented.
She looked up. “How did you know I am smiling. Do you have eyes behind?”
“Probably Yes” he laughed again, stirring her heart all over.
“Look. I don’t know what made your boss shout at you…..but remember one thing……doesn’t matter what they do…….you have to stick by your perseverance and hardwork. Today your boss might shout at you…..tomorrow he should appreciate you. It’s upon you how you take it……as a reason for depression…….or as a stimulus for performing better”
She blinked wondering how easily he said such an insightful thing.
“Also when your Boss screams at you…….take it for granted, he is removing the anger of his wife on you. Since his wife would have shouted on him and he can’t shout back at her, he is screaming at you. Such kind of Loser he is!” he said.
This made her break in to peals of giggles. “Oh is it? How do you know that?”
“Personal Experience” he replied.
Suddenly something stabbed her gut hard.
After a moment “Oh. So what’s your wife’s name?” she asked, not knowing why she felt bad.
“Seriously, your wife’s name is Radhika?” she asked, amazed.
“Yes, she is currently sitting behind me, holding me tighter than needed” he replied with a straight face.
Hearing this, she loosened her arms and hit his chest.
“Oww!” he fake cried.
She bit her tongue realizing what she just did – he wasn’t her friend or husband with whom she was behaving so freely. “I am sorry”
He laughed again. “But what made you presume I am married? Huh?”
“You said na……..personal experience”
“Personal Experience of handling bosses!” he clarified.
Now she strangely felt a sense of happiness inside her. “Oh”
Their random chatter continued and she came to know he worked in the building adjacent to her office and loves Onion Pakoras or toast sandwiches a lot on rainy days. A few minutes passed and then she asked him stop suddenly.
“What? Why do you want to get down here?” he asked, seeing her get down.
“Erm…..I don’t want my neighbors to see you dropping me near the building. You know how nosy they are……they would make a mountain out of a molehill. By tomorrow, I would be almost married off” she giggled slightly.
He grinned. “You actually look good while smiling. Is your headache gone now?”
She stared at him. “How did you know I had headache?” Then she realized that her headache was gone miraculously.
“Your face reveals all” he smiled.
The charming smile again stirred her heart while his piercing, deep gaze made her knees feel weak. She forced herself to stand strong.
“Erm….Yes. Thanks for the lift…..and for….”
“Its fine” he said, twitching his lips.
She smiled and then realized how he was getting all wet. “Um…..just a second” she said and was about to pull out the winsheater, when he stopped her.
“Let it be. You would need it. You’re really wet and your house is still away”
“But how would you manage?” she asked, feeling concerned.
“I am fine. I am used to it”
“Erm…..still……….I can’t let you go like this” she mumbled, feeling very concerned.
“Okay……..in that case” he scanned around the area “I will buy a raincoat from that shop”
She glanced in the direction. “Okay I will pay for it”
“I am not gonna gift that to you” he replied quickly.
This made her giggle.
He gazed at her, adoringly. “Its fine. I do get paid nicely. I will manage. But you, forget about your boss okay”
She nodded – somehow she didn’t want to remember her boss, but…..
“I will……erm……your bag”
“Yeah……..there’s something for you inside. Take it carefully”
“For me?” she asked and opened his bag carefully to find a wrapped packet.
“Toast sandwich for you” he said.
She glanced up in surprise and wonderment.
“I am sorry I shouldn’t have pounced upon your sandwich. You were really hungry……so I brought this for you. I know you can’t bear to remain hungry” he mumbled, gazing deeply in to her eyes.
“H….How do you know so much?” she asked, feeling lost in his eyes.
“You may have never noticed me. But I have noticed you several times in that café, sitting beside the window seat, always…….i have seen you being angry, frustrated, happy and sad”
It took her a moment to snap out of the trance that he drew her in to. She looked away quickly.
“So I was right. You were spying on me” she asked, narrowing her eyes. “All this was planned? Isnt it?”
“Excuse me? You come and sit in front of my eyes, how does make me the spy?” he argued.  “And what did I plan? Asked the rain god to shower today? Or you mean I rented out people to fill the café? or do you think I dug potholes in the road……or I asked the cabbie people to not take you? Or Did I rent those goons? Or I asked your boss to shout at you?”
This made her chuckle again. “No…….”
“Then what?” he asked.
“Nothing. I think you should get a raincoat for yourself” she said.
“Okay I will. First you go towards your building”
“No. First you get a raincoat. If I go away, you won’t buy it” she argued.
He leaned closer with his charming, crooked smile. “So concerned for me?”
Her lips parted, not knowing what to say. “Erm…..no. I didn’t want to feel guilty over this issue. So please”
“Okay then…….Bye” he waved his hand, adjusted his bag and turned the bike towards the shop.

Radhika stood there staring at this stranger who had come to rescue her on such a misfortunate day and threw away all her tensions. He need not have done all this, yet he was going out of his way to protect her. As Dev stepped inside the shop, he leaned back and gestured through his fingers that he was going in and she should go to her house as well. Smiling, she nodded.

Next Day, Radhika sat on her favorite seat beside window in the same Café, waiting for Dev. Weirdly she seemed to be getting impatient to see him – rather had been waiting for this moment since yesterday evening.
Just then Dev entered inside and her face all of a sudden brightened up. “Hi”
“Hi” He took the seat opposite her. “Nice weather and no rain today. So how was ur day?”
“Very good” she smiled – her lips couldn’t stop smiling when he was close.
“That’s better” he said’
“Umm…..here’s your winsheater” she handed it over to him. “I was waiting for you to return this”
“Oh. So this was the only reason why you waited for me? Fine. I guess anyways you don’t like my company right? You were mighty irritated yesterday. The Café’s not full today, better I find myself some other seat” saying, he was about to move
“Umm……..I won’t mind your company today” she said quickly.
He stopped and gazed at her. “So is this winsheater the only reason why you were waiting for me?”
She suddenly felt tongue tied and her cheeks felt warm as he kept gazing at her deeply…… waiting for her answer.
“Hmm?” he prodded with a mischevious tinge in his eyes that made her pulse quicken.
Blushing slightly, she faced away.
Just then the waiter came in to take order.
“Two Coffee and 2 plates of sandwiches” they both ordered simultaneously and then burst in to loud laughter……………….
